Campaign Announcement

Lighting the Way to Our Future

Lighting the Way to Our Future" aims to propel our work into the next 50 years of ministry.   Be a shining star and shine a light towards the future with us!

Our Needs

Sanctuary Lighting Project – Wiring and lighting updates are necessary to comply with current standards and improve function. This substantial project will allow us to address the challenges that come from an aging building and provide a safe sanctuary for all to gather for worship and community events.  Click the following link for additional details concerning this project: 


How You Can Help

Pray that God's work is effectively carried out through our work. 

Give generously. 

Your tax-deductible financial gifts to this campaign will let new ministries reach people in our church and community who are looking for a vital relationship with God in Jesus Christ. We hope you will join with church leaders in making a commitment to the future at whatever level you can give.